The Information Technology (IT) service can be quite rigorous, in addition to requiring constant improvement in delivering results. Therefore, delays, increased costs and failures during operation must be avoided at any cost, the DevOps culture emerges as a solution to these problems.
It is through this that IT companies are able to unite the development and infrastructure sectors while simplifying other processes.
Therefore, in this article, you will know everything about this subject and learn how to implement a DevOps culture in your company. After all, maintaining an optimized and well-structured team is a fundamental step towards final consumer satisfaction.
DevOps: what is it?
In a nutshell, DevOps is a culture whose main objective is to bring the operation and development sectors closer together. With this, it is possible to integrate developers and infrastructure professionals, simplify operations, optimize the team and improve delivery to the consumer.
The term DevOps came from the union of the English words development and operations, which in Portuguese mean “development” and “operations”, respectively. Therefore, it is a software construction model that unites these two areas, automating operational processes at all stages of the engineering program.
This modality is essential so that employees who are part of the operation know everything that is said about software engineering. Likewise, the DevOps culture allows developers to integrate into tool implementation processes.
Through the continuous implementation of DevOps, it is common for IT companies to release several versions of software frequently, in addition to recording reports whenever a new version emerges. Therefore, for companies to achieve a good level of agility, it is essential to use DevOps guidelines.
In the past, the release and implementation steps were much slower because they were carried out manually. Now, with the implementation of the DevOps culture, developers are able to control and monitor all applications more effectively.
The benefits of DevOps culture
Companies that use the DevOps culture are taking advantage of the various benefits related to team performance and ultimate customer satisfaction. Therefore, check out the main benefits of implementing this culture in IT companies below:
1- Greater security
Through infrastructure and policy as code, it is possible to define and track compliance at scale, ensuring greater security of the operations carried out.
2- Collaboration between teams
As mentioned above, this culture allows IT areas to be more united, optimizing a team's performance. Furthermore, it is excellent at improving communication between managers and employees, which will bring positive results for your business.
3- Simplification of processes
With this culture model, it is possible to transform rigid and bureaucratic workflows. Some examples are: reuse of software modules, flexibility in projects so that they can adapt to changes and reduction of effort in delivery.
4- Task automation
The DevOps culture replaces manual deployment and other IT team tasks with automated routines. In this way, teams that previously only had a technical mindset are now concerned with learning, understanding recurring errors and implementing continuous improvement.
5- Reduction of errors
By monitoring and logging, it is even easier to monitor software performance in real time, improving error identification and increasing program reliability
6- Business modernization
DevOps culture is closely linked to Cloud Computing, as it modernizes a company and makes its files more protected. Furthermore, cloud computing also reduces costs considerably.
7- Quality delivery
Thanks to DevOps, teams are able to deliver software with fewer errors and bugs, which will increase customer satisfaction. After all, an integrated team that has automated procedures will deliver excellent performance.
8- Process rationalization
Since DevOps automates and simplifies the IT area, it is common to review processes in order to make them more rational, economical and optimized.
Applying the DevOps culture in your e?
For a company to adopt the DevOps culture without problems, IT management must work with the three points of the famous Administration triad:
- Law Suit;
- People;
- Tools.
In processes, it is essential that you review and make current flows more flexible. In the case of people, the big issue is training. And in terms of tools, it is essential to choose the most appropriate ones for the needs of the enterprise. Additionally, check out these other steps that will help you implement a DevOps culture in your company:
1- Service integration
The first step towards implementing a DevOps culture is to remove everything that limits and hinders your team. Therefore, you will need to transform the organizational culture of your business, making all teams aware of the processes involved in the tasks.
2- Establishment of metrics
Developing measurable data to compare results is a duty of both employees and leaders. This will make it easier to evaluate a team's performance and it will be possible to record how much the new changes are making a difference to the business.
3- Set up independent teams
The creation of multidisciplinary and self-sufficient teams is an important step towards increasing collaboration among employees. Therefore, each team must be able to go through the entire process of creating and developing a product or service.
4- Training of employees
Training and educating your employees is essential for them to deliver everything that the DevOps culture demands. Investing in workshops, lectures and courses is a good way to encourage your team to think about the company collaboratively.
5- Seek end user satisfaction
The level of services offered should be a company's top priority. Regardless of the client, software must always be tested and seek to bring end-user satisfaction.
The need to implement DevOps culture
The DevOps culture is gaining more and more space among IT services in companies, bringing concrete examples and excellent results through customer satisfaction.
This occurs because this IT operating model focuses mainly on behavioral issues, rather than more technical issues, which helps to spread synergy between teams. Bringing a positive return for both the business and employees, the DevOps culture offers great effectiveness in software development and implementation processes, in addition to automating steps and simplifying workflows.
Therefore, with an increasingly competitive market, implementing a DevOps culture is essential. Its ability to eliminate obstacles, reduce distances and make everyone work together is extremely advantageous. Therefore, using the DevOps culture, your company and the IT area will start talking to each other in an effective, simple and intelligent way. And this will ultimately result in better team performance and positive end customer satisfaction.
Did you like to know more about how to adapt your company to the DevOps culture? Take the opportunity to read other texts at our blog and be sure to check out the services that Integrity has to offer for you, like DevOps and the Cloud Computing.